4 days / 32 sessions
Tactical Advice Shared.

Wednesday, June 5

Education Sessions

ESX Deluxe and Executive Passes have access to these industry-leading best-practice sharing sessions.

8:15 – 9:30AM

  • Winning the Technician Talent Race: Hiring Right in a Competitive Market
  • Visionary Insights: How and Why Video Monitoring Can Supercharge Your RMR
  • Optimizing Your Sales Teams Part 1: Performance Metrics, Commission Models and Repeatable Processes
  • From Life Safety to Lifestyle: Transformative Industry Strategies
  • Harmonizing Sales and Operations: Maximizing ROI through Collaborative Estimating
Winning the Technician Talent Race: Hiring Right in a Competitive Market

Winning the Technician Talent Race: Hiring Right in a Competitive Market

The demand for skilled technicians is outpacing the available talent pool. Securing and retaining top-tier technical talent is not only a strategic advantage but also vital for reaching revenue goals. In the fiercely competitive landscape of technician recruitment, success hinges on adopting innovative approaches and employing strategic hiring practices to attract and retain top-tier professionals.

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Visionary Insights: How and Why Video Monitoring Can Supercharge Your RMR

Visionary Insights: How and Why Video Monitoring Can Supercharge Your RMR

In today’s security-conscious world, video monitoring is no longer a luxury but a necessity for residential and commercial end users. Uncover innovative strategies and applications to video monitoring for significant RMR growth. From surveillance enhancements to customized solutions, learn how this technology can serve as a catalyst for diversification and revenue acceleration.

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Optimizing Your Sales Teams Part 1: Performance Metrics, Commission Models and Repeatable Processes

Optimizing Your Sales Teams Part 1: Performance Metrics, Commission Models and Repeatable Processes

To elevate a sales team, you need to go beyond the basics and focus on elevating sales performance while ensuring healthy gross profit margins. To achieve this, we’ll explore specialized strategies and tools that empower your sales teams growth while maintaining a robust bottom line. Our panel will provide real-world actionable advice and tools that will help you gain valuable insights into transforming your sales team into a high-performing unit.

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From Life Safety to Lifestyle: Transformative Industry Strategies

From Life Safety to Lifestyle: Transformative Industry Strategies

Over the years, the evolution of the security industry seems to be transitioning from a focus on security and safety to a comprehensive approach that enhances everyday living and operations. This applies to households and small businesses. Discover how modern technology and innovative approaches are revolutionizing the way we approach security solutions, providing clients with a seamless integration of safety and convenience. 

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Harmonizing Sales and Operations: Maximizing ROI through Collaborative Estimating

Harmonizing Sales and Operations: Maximizing ROI through Collaborative Estimating

Do your sales staff set unrealistic expectations and your installation team struggle to deliver on those promises, resulting in misaligned expectations, cost overruns, and customer dissatisfaction?
While sales teams drive revenue generation, operations teams ensure timely and efficient project execution. Imagine a scenario where your sales team and operations seamlessly collaborate in the estimation process, ensuring promises made to customers are aligned properly. Achieving operational excellence hinges on the seamless integration of sales and operations.

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  • Search Sessions By Day
  • How Do I Register for Education Sessions?
  • Are CEU Credits Available?
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How Do I Register for Education Sessions?

ESX has two registration options that include access to the educational program.

  • Deluxe Pass – this pass includes access to all networking events, main stage presentation, the ESX expo and the best-practice sharing sessions (26 sessions to choose from).
  • Executive Pass – this pass includes everything from the Deluxe Pass and also includes access to the NEW Executive Leadership sessions, being held on Tuesday. This education is well-positioned for owners and executive managers and will bring in leadership experts.

Are CEU Credits Available?

Continuing Education credits are available from the following entities for attending the ESX Education Sessions. Attendees may receive up to 8 hours of CEUs depending upon verified class attendance records.

    • ESA National Training School Certifications
    • Louisiana State Fire Marshall
    • Alabama Electronic Security Board of Licensure
    • Mississippi Electronic Protection Systems Division
    • Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance – Detection Services Licensing Program

To obtain verified attendance records for CEU’s please contact

Late Morning Sessions

9:45 – 11:00AM

  • Project Management Mastery: Installations from Queue to Close
  • Mastering Talent Retention through Compensation Benchmarking and Rewarding Excellence
  • Optimizing Your Sales Teams Part 2: Hiring Your Next Successful Salesperson: Essential Skills and Traits
  • Mastering the Art of Value: Acquisition Intelligence & Enterprise Valuation
  • Enhancing the Sales Process to Close Faster and Maximize RMR
Project Management Mastery: Installations from Queue to Close

Project Management Mastery: Installations from Queue to Close

Are you frustrated with installation delays, cost overruns, and customer dissatisfaction? The key to project management mastery lies in consistently delivering quality installations—on budget, on time, and within scope. Imagine a scenario where every project, regardless of size or complexity, moves through the pipeline with precision, guided by proper planning, resource optimization, and proactive problem-solving. Discover how to transform your installation process from a whirlwind of delays and frustrations into a well-oiled machine of productivity and customer satisfaction.

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Mastering Talent Retention through Compensation Benchmarking and Rewarding Excellence

Mastering Talent Retention through Compensation Benchmarking and Rewarding Excellence

In today’s competitive talent landscape, attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for business success.
Compensation benchmarking and rewarding strategies play a pivotal role in achieving this objective. We will explore the intricacies of compensation benchmarking, a key practice for organizations aspiring to be the employer of choice.

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Optimizing Your Sales Teams Part 2: Hiring Your Next Successful Salesperson: Essential Skills and Traits

Optimizing Your Sales Teams Part 2: Hiring Your Next Successful Salesperson: Essential Skills and Traits

Strong sales teams are the quickest way to bring in substantial revenue to your organization. Successfully hiring and training motivated, and passionate professionals will result in more conversions and sales. How can you avoid wasted efforts filling positions with candidates who lack the required sales DNA? What are the characteristics and skillsets that successful salespeople hold in common? What interview questions should you be asking — and what should you be listening for in the answers you receive? In this session, we’ll role play the successful and not so successful sales interview.

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Mastering the Art of Value: Acquisition Intelligence & Enterprise Valuation

Mastering the Art of Value: Acquisition Intelligence & Enterprise Valuation

Understanding your company’s enterprise valuation is essential for making informed decisions about fundraising, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic planning.
This comprehensive session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to accurately determine your company’s enterprise valuation or evaluate potential acquisitions, empowering you to make informed decisions that drive long-term business success.

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Enhancing the Sales Process to Close Faster and Maximize RMR

Enhancing the Sales Process to Close Faster and Maximize RMR

The ability to adapt and streamline your commercial sales processes is paramount. This in-depth session is designed to equip sales professionals with the advanced skillset needed to harness the power of sales process templating. By leveraging this strategic approach, you’ll not only expedite the sales cycle but can also develop a process that drives a more consistent plan for RMR growth.

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Afternoon Sessions

3:15 – 4:30PM

  • Cybersecurity Readiness: Preparing for the Inevitable
  • RMR Reporting Decoded: Lenders Standards and Expectations
  • Beyond Price: Roleplaying Value-Driven Sales Strategies *Interactive*
  • Elevating Customer Experience through Alarm Monitoring
  • Unlocking Video Sales that Surge RMR: Strategies, Techniques and Applications
Cybersecurity Readiness: Preparing for the Inevitable

Cybersecurity Readiness: Preparing for the Inevitable

In today’s interconnected world, cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and pervasive, posing a significant risk to organizations of all sizes. Cyber-attacks can result in data breaches, financial losses, reputational damage, and operational disruptions. While it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of cyber-attacks, organizations can significantly enhance their cybersecurity posture by adopting a proactive approach to preparedness and response.

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RMR Reporting Decoded: Lenders Standards and Expectations

RMR Reporting Decoded: Lenders Standards and Expectations

Recurring Monthly Revenue (RMR) is the lifeblood of the security industry and securing financing for your RMR-based business hinges on a clear understanding of lenders’ expectations. What exactly are lenders seeking in your RMR reporting? In the dynamic landscape of security financing, mastering the art of presenting and interpreting RMR data is crucial for security professionals, business owners, and financial managers. This session provides a comprehensive understanding of lenders’ standards and expectations for RMR reporting, unveiling the key metrics that lenders closely track..

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Beyond Price: Roleplaying Value-Driven Sales Strategies *Interactive*

Beyond Price: Roleplaying Value-Driven Sales Strategies *Interactive*

This interactive session will invite audience members to roleplay traditional sales conversations with value-driven consultative sales approaches.
End users seek more than just hardware, software, and recurring services—they demand comprehensive solutions. Discover how to shift the focus away from price and cultivate a sales approach that emphasizes the broader benefits your product or service brings to the table — enabling you to better serve your clients and stay ahead in the market.

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Elevating Customer Experience through Alarm Monitoring

Elevating Customer Experience through Alarm Monitoring

Once the installation is finished, ongoing monitoring services become pivotal in delivering an exceptional customer experience. Monitoring centers employ a combination of technology, human expertise, and processes to fulfill the commitment of providing peace of mind to end users every day.

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Unlocking Video Sales that Surge RMR: Strategies, Techniques and Applications

Unlocking Video Sales that Surge RMR: Strategies, Techniques and Applications

Video monitoring has become a key tool for security, surveillance, and operational efficiency in the commercial, industrial, and residential markets. This dynamic session delves into the strategies, techniques, and applications that are shaping the video monitoring sales landscape. Why is selling video so lucrative? How is different? What should be avoided? Join us as we explore approaches to effectively market and sell video monitoring solutions. From understanding customer needs to leveraging emerging technologies, this session equips you with the insights needed to drive sales and a competitive edge.

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Free Technical Training is also offered by ESX Exhibitors and Sponsors on Wednesday. DETAILS ON FREE TECH TALK SESSIONS WILL BE RELEASED SOON.

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About ESX Educational Sessions

ESX’s educational program delivers best practices and new concepts. The peer-to-peer driven seminars are boasted as one of the strongest educational opportunities in the market, arming attendees with tactical advice they can put to work in their own businesses. The ESX Deluxe and Executive Passes grant access to educational sessions.

Session Tracks

ESX Wednesday Education

Wednesday will be filled with peer-to-peer driven educational sessions that will focus on growing recurring revenue, optimizing your sales teams, cybersecurity readiness and more. ESX, owned by ESA, is a channel-focused national conference exhibition. Wednesday is day two of the ESX Expo, is where electronic security and life safety pros can have quality conversations. Wednesday will also feature the ESX General Session on the Main Stage and the Weinstock Celebration. Don’t miss out on the ESX Wednesday events. Register now.