ESX 2023 Main Stage Highlights

August 9, 2023 by ESX


The ESX Main Stage welcomed award winners, industry disrupters, and motivators for the audience of electronic security and life safety pros.


ESXers met with visionary leaders that helped them rethink the future of the industry. This lively panel, from various segments of the industry focused on what’s likely to happen and how it’s going to impact your business in the near term and long run, including technologies that you should pay attention to, like Chat GPT.


  • ELIZABETH PARKS, President and CMO, Parks Associates 
  • BART PROCTOR, CEO and Managing Partner, Pye-Barker 
  • TYLER TRIBE, CTO and Product Officer, Becklar 

Sponsored By: Becklar, Security Business Magazine, Security InfoWatch


SOUNDTRACKS: How the Best Teams Overcome Overthinking to Navigate Change, Increase Productivity, and Win Consistently, Featuring Jon Acuff

Overthinking isn’t a personality trait. It’s the sneakiest form of fear. It steals time, creativity, and energy. It’s the most expensive, least productive thing companies invest in without even knowing it. What if you could navigate change, increase productivity, and win consistently? If overthinking steals time, creativity, and energy, guess what your team is about to get back? Time, creativity, and energy.


  • Retire the broken soundtracks that have been holding you back
  • Replace them with new soundtracks that propel you forward
  • Repeat the new ones so often they become as automatic as the old ones

“If you can worry, you can wonder. If you can doubt, you can dominate. If you can spin, you can soar.” – Jon Acuff

 Sponsored By: Security Systems News, Security America Industry Specific Insurance

ESA’s Sara E. Jackson Award was presented to Kirk MacDowell, President at MacGuard Security Advisors Inc. at this Main Stage event. This award was sponsored by Telguard

“I get up every morning and pray that I can be better than the day before. So, I think if we could set our sights on helping others thrive in the industry, then we’ve done our job. When I look at receiving the Sara E. Jackson Award, if I can do half of what she did, I’m a happy guy. It means a lot to me to receive this award, as she was an amazing person. I’m very honored.”- Kirk MacDowell


“The Bucket List Life” Create More Experiences, Share More Stories, & Live More Fulfilled, Featuring Kenyon Salo 

Kenyon Salo showed attendees how his three simple concepts of living “The Bucket List Life” can lead to fulfillment on your life-long journey. During this highly energetic and engaging presentation, security pros learned how to create phenomenal experiences, share powerful stories and help others along the way.  

“Kenyon delivers high energy, powerful, and heart touching content to help you create incredible experiences, connect with others, and live life more fulfilled.” 

Sponsored By: Sponsored by ADI and SDM Magazine

ESA’s Weinstock Award was presented to Jamie Vos at this Main Stage event. This award was sponsored by Resideo

“I am so humbled to even be considered for and then to receive such a prestigious award, to be honest, it’s something I’ll treasure forever. Boy, I hope that I did every one of them proud. I don’t have any other word other than humbled. I so very much appreciate it.” says Jamie Vos, President of Security Solutions Northwest, Inc.


F.L.Y. First Lead Yourself, Featuring Elizabeth McCormick

Former US Army Black Hawk Pilor, Elizabeth McCormick, took the main stage and shared the professional development secrets for success with her stories of overcoming overwhelming obstacles, while…

  • Inspiring you to soar to success!
  • Unlock the key to boosting YOUR Confidence, elevating your effectiveness with customers and co-workers.
  • Prove the power of language on your personal power and your impact on those around you.
  • Soar to a higher level of advancement through influencing others to lead.

As a decorated former US Army Black Hawk Helicopter pilot, Elizabeth flew command and control, air assault, rappelling, top-secret intelligence missions, and also transported high level government VIPs including the Secretary of Defense. From there ESA’s Youth Scholarship, sponsored by COPS Monitoring, and SIAC’s William N. Moody Excellence Award were presented.  

“Kenyon delivers high energy, powerful, and heart touching content to help you create incredible experiences, connect with others, and live life more fulfilled.” 

Sponsored by Hybrid Moon

The William N. Moody Award started in 2004 by the Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC), and it is given annually to an individual who demonstrates a passion for advancing positive alarm management and best industry practices. It’s 2023 recipient, Kirk MacDowell, President at MacGuard Security Advisors Inc., received the award on stage with honor. 

Through all of these sessions, the ESX Main Stage lineup challenged and provoked passionate security professionals to make an impact as the heroes they are by taking security to the next level. 
