ESX 2025

Keynote Luncheon

Featuring Kyle Scheele

Tuesday, June 17
12:30 PM – 1:45 PM


Becoming An Idea Factory:

How To Turn Yourself and Your Organization into an Innovation Machine.

Creativity is a skill like any other: it can be learned.
In the same way that we teach employees how to track expenses, process invoices, and jiggle the lock just right to get into the supply closet, we can teach them how to be more creative, how to have better ideas, and how to build a culture where innovation is a natural by product.

Key Takeaways:

Harness your own capacity for creativity and innovation.

Practical tips for how to get more (and better!) ideas out of yourself and your team)

The 5 things that every idea needs

Avoid common idea-killers in your organization.

True creative work exists in the gap between what you have and what you think you need. The ESX Keynote Luncheon will provide the tools your team needs to become more innovative.

The 2025 Sara Jackson Award Winner Will Be Presented

The Sara E. Jackson Memorial Award, which honors the memory of the 1950-51 ESA President, recognizes an ESA volunteer who has exhibited exceptional leadership skills on an ESA committee, task force or board.

The award is graciously sponsored by Telguard, ESA’s exclusive Platinum Executive Strategic Partner.

ESX Keynote Luncheon

The 2025 ESX Keynote Luncheon is held on the ESX Main Stage. Come here for inspiration, motivation, and networking with like-minded electronic security and life safety peers. Just steps away from the expo floor, this interactive session will reveal tactics for motivating a more productive team. Access to this luncheon is included with Executive, Deluxe, and Expo Plus passes. Register five or more people and receive 10% off, or register 10 or more people and receive 20% off. Secure your spot today and take advantage of these savings.

Keynote Luncheon Sponsor