Suitcasing Policy

What is Suitcasing?

Suitcasing is an unethical business practice where individuals or companies attend a trade show as regular attendees rather than exhibitors and conduct business on the show floor, in hallways, or other event spaces without purchasing a booth or sponsorship. This practice undermines the integrity of the event and is unfair to paying sponsors and exhibitors.

We are serious about protecting the investment of our exhibitors and sponsors. As such, the ESX Suitcasing Policy is strictly enforced. By adhering to this policy, we create a fair, professional, and successful trade show experience for everyone!

Suitcasing Policy

Show Management has mandated increased measures to protect exhibitors from suitcasing at ESX. This is the Show Management’s Suitcasing Policy, which will be posted on signage around the exhibit hall and included in the onsite guide for all attendees. Please note that while all meeting attendees are invited to the exhibit hall, any attendee from a non-exhibiting or non-sponsoring company who is observed to be soliciting business in the aisles or other public spaces, in another company’s booth, or in violation of any portion of the Exhibition Policy, will be asked to leave immediately without refund. Additional penalties may be applied. Please report any violations you may observe to Show Management. Such activities include:

  • Commercial activity conducted from a hotel guest room, hospitality suite or throughout the convention center.
  • Solicitations at venues other than the exhibition floor or at other events. Show Management must be informed of any hospitality suites, and expressed consent must be received prior to the event.

What Show Management Will Do

Show Management and Floor Managers will be in place from the start of the Show to the conclusion of the Show. This team will respond to all complaints regarding suitcasing. The team will be trained on what to look for and the appropriate factors to determine if there is an issue. Show Management and Floor Managers will have the following responsibilities:

  • Review complaints concerning suitcasing.
  • Review each complaint off the Show floor and take appropriate action, including removal from the Show floor.
  • Levy penalties for violations, up to and including, suspension from participation in future Shows.

What Can Exhibitors Do

  • Prior to the Show: If you feel there is a reasonable risk of a problem involving suitcasing, notify Show Management prior to arrival.
  • Onsite: If you suspect another company of suitcasing – report this to the Show Management office and someone from Show Management will come to your booth immediately.